December 13, 2023

How to Overcome Job Interview Anxiety

 How to Overcome Job Interview Anxiety

Your palms are sweating, your heart is racing, and despite your nerves, you’re about to ace this job interview because you’ve read our article about how to overcome job interview anxiety!

Feeling jittery before an interview is normal. Your nervousness is likely to be slightly higher if you

  • Have struggled to get an interview, 
  • Aren’t sure whether you qualify for the role,
  • Are desperate to get the job because you have debts to pay,
  • Or if you feel a lot of pressure to deliver a perfect interview performance.

Interestingly, males tend to experience a greater impairment in interview performance as a result of interview anxiety, as compared to females. Being out of a job has so many impacts on people’s day to day life, and having to deal with financial stress, alongside the prospect of unemployment, is reason enough to cause anxiety, let alone with the added pressure of being interviewed (or interrogated, as it may feel)!

The good news, however, is that there are plenty of strategies that can teach you how to overcome financial stress and channel that nervous energy into a stellar performance that will earn you a job offer!

4 Tips to Overcome Job Interview Anxiety

1. Moderate External Stressors.

moderate external stressors to overcome job interview anxiety

If you are currently out of work, you might feel a lot of pressure to get a job NOW, but if you have an interview booked, make sure to give yourself some physical, mental, and emotional space during this time. If you have a full schedule the day before your interview, see if you can move things around for that day or week.

You might not be able to eliminate all the demands of your life. But if you can shuffle things around, you can take advantage of the extra time to prepare and relax. Reduce your exposure to anything or anyone that stresses you out. If you need to serve ready-made meals, let your kids play iPad for more hours than usual or turn down social events during this time, so be it! 

2. Get Ready to Ace It!

search about the job position and company before interview to reduce your anxiety

We’ve all heard the age-old adage that “failing to prepare is preparing to fail”, so getting organised is a sure-fire way to calm those interview nerves. Doing some research on the company’s background, ethos and accomplishments will help you get a better idea about how the business operates and the values that they look for in prospective recruits.

Read and re-read the role description to be sure you are familiar with the expectations and requirements of the position you are applying for. The number one best way to overcome interview anxiety is to design and practice your response to the most common interview questions.

We highly recommend to check out’s Practice Interview Builder which lets you print out a list of motivational, behavioural, situational and skills-based interview questions.

You probably won’t be asked every question on the list, so pick out the top 10 ones that you are likely to be asked and take the time to write down your ideal response.

Next, practice saying these questions out loud on your own or with a friend or family member. You might not remember your answers word-for-word on interview day, but by having a general idea about how and what you are going to stay ahead of time, you are less likely to be caught off guard during the interview.

Whilst formulating your answers to the interviewers’ questions, be prepared to ask a few of your own! Finally, select and iron your uniform and have an early night to bed before the day of your interview. 

3. Discharge Anxious Energy.

running reduces your interview anxiety

Anxiety stimulates the nervous system and causes the release of stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones are responsible for making your heart race and boosting your awareness (fight or flight), but prolonged exposure can lead to fatigue and exhaustion.

The number one thing you can do to combat this kind of chemical stress is to burn off the adrenaline with cardiovascular exercise – a 30-minute walk per day should be more than enough! In addition, support your body’s natural processes by reducing your caffeine intake, drinking more water, and eating lots of fresh vegetables and proteins with healthy fats.

Light and noise can also subtly trigger the nervous system, so by limiting screen time at night, having a hot bath or shower, and then going to bed early in a cool room, you can help your body relax into the deep, restorative sleep that will help you combat the adrenaline dump.

Deep breathing is another way you can retain control of racing thoughts and practicing some breathing exercises in advance will help you prepare for those moments during the interview when you just need to reduce the intensity of the moment.

Your debts will increase your interview anxiety and makes you think about your need to have that job. We are here to help you get read of your debt and give you a chance to think of a job that fits you better.

Read More: Debt Rescue: Who Can Help?

4. Remember the Bigger Picture.

thinking about that there are many company in need of you helps you to overcome interview anxiety

When you put a lot of pressure on yourself to perform, it can be hard to accept when the outcome doesn’t turn out the way you envisioned. What’s harder, however, is learning not to take it personally or beat yourself up.

Having high expectations is an important tool to furthering yourself and your career, but so is being able to see the bigger picture. If you don’t get this job, don’t stress – take the wider perspective and realise that even in a tough job market, there are always new opportunities!

No matter how hopeless you might feel, keep in mind that this moment will pass. Missing out on one job could mean that you actually end up finding a position with a better company/team/culture/pay – so take those feelings of rejection and desperation with a grain of salt!

One day you will look back and be proud of yourself for learning how to overcome financial stress. And at the very least, by going through this process you are one interview better prepared and your network will have expanded!

Be sure to seek feedback from your interviewers so that you can adapt and come back stronger the next time around! Reflect honestly on how well you prepared for your last interview, remember your resilience, and focus on what you can control! You got this! 

According to the Australian Financial Security Authority’s (AFSA) Personal Insolvency Statistics, 28% of people who find themselves facing insolvency, are in such a position due to loss of income and unemployment.

If you are struggling with debt, trying to deal with financial stress and aren’t sure how you are going to recover from a precarious financial position, an obligation free consultation with our friendly team of Credit Counsellors may help you find a solution so you can look forward to a debt-free future. Call us today on 1300 003 328.

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